Latest News

Xmas Shutdown

Last Session Thursday 16th December 2021 - Training restarts Wednesday 5th January 2021 @ 7:30pm

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year

Summer Training

Great News:  We have managed to secure our normal training sessions over the majority of the school summer holidays and so we will remain open. However, there are a couple of closure notices within this period where there will be no sessions.

Sessions NOT going ahead :-

Wed 28th & Thursday 29th July

Wed 1st & Thursday 2nd September

All other Wednesday & Thursday sessions go ahead as normal 7:30 to 9pm


See you all there

Training Re-start

Dear All,

Good news - we can restart our club sessions at the school pool on Wednesday 9th June and Thursday 10th June at the usual time of 7.30-9pm.

Here are a few guidelines:- 

You must not attend if you have any symptoms of COVID-19, a fever, a new continuous cough, or a change or loss in sense of smell or taste.

There will not be a booking system but please register before going in the pool, swim fees left will be shown by your name.

Do not enter the building until 7.30pm (If possible arrive changed to reduce numbers in the changing rooms) showers are available.

Bring your own kit, there will be no floats etc. available from the boiler room.

All lanes will operate in a clockwise direction and please adhere to the 2m rule at the end of the pool.

You must wear a mask in the building but not necessary on poolside (or in the water!)

Please remember you may not turn up and swim if you haven’t paid club membership and swim England fees for 2021. (New members will need to fill out the 2021 membership form and pay the appropriate fees into the bank before coming to a session)

Lastly, the gate code is unique to the Masters and operates 15 mins before and after our allotted time and will be made known to members via email. Please DO NOT share it with anyone else. Also make sure you enter the # key before the gate code number

Looking forward to seeing everyone again soon,

Best Wishes

CHESC committee

CHESC Wednesday 10th March Virtual Meet up

Next weekend would have been Gerry’s 95th Birthday (if we’ve done our maths right!) So to mark the occasion, on Wednesday during our usual 7:30pm “training session” chat we will be raising a glass of Merlot, Whiskey & Dry Ginger, Guinness or anything else you’d prefer in honour of the great man.

We’d also like to get as many of you that don’t normally join in to “come to the party” and reminisce the old times....

click the link below to join (join from browser or teams app from phone, tablet or pc)


2021 Membership Renewal

Happy New Year to you all - lets hope we can all get back in a pool soon!

Existing 2020 members should by now have received an email inviting them to renew for 2021 please follow the links in this email.

New members and returning members not registered in 2020 should see the links to the new on-line membership form on the Membership tab above

CHESC Wednesday Virtual Meet up

Every Wednesday - from 7:30pm - Everyone welcome

Bring your own wine/beer & nibbles

click the link to join

Possible Pool re-opening

Unfortunately due to the latest COVID situation, the school has informed us that there are now no plans to resume external lettings (pool hire) until at least 4th January 2021. So no training at CH Pool at least until then.

In "better" news, Swim England have frozen their membership rates for 2021.... Whoopee!

Possible Pool re-opening

It looks like we could be back in the pool the first week in November.

The school has indicated that subject to no more COVID-19 issues after the school goes back that they plan to open for outside lettings after 1/2 term. Fingers-crossed!

Watch this space....

Weekend in Shrewsbury Friday 23rd-25th October

As the National Masters in Sheffield in October has long been cancelled we will miss our well earned weekend away. So we thought we might have the weekend away anyway....!

So a number of us have booked The Premier Inn, Shrewsbury (it’s closer!) for the same weekend (23rd-25th October) so we can do the usual JDW on Friday, meal on Saturday but without the pressure of having to do the swimming

If you’d like to join us for the cultural experience (piss-up!) you’d be very welcome (all within easy walk of the train station with direct trains from B’ham) Premier Inn currently available for £64 for the two nights!

22nd August 2020

COVID-19 Update (Wednesday)

All sessions CANCELLED until further notice

COVID-19 Update (Tuesday)

Important notice for all CHESC masters swimming Wed/Thursday this week (18/19March)
1) Please make sure you are
fit and healthy to swim
2) Do not enter swimming pool until all junior swimmers have gone into changing rooms (They have now cancelled so this won't be an issue)
3) If possible arrive after 7.15pm and leave changing rooms before 7.30pm
4) Exit the changing rooms via the foyer to the pool, NOT through the showers (again not an issue now)

Up coming Dates for your Diary

**Closing date for Carlisle Meet is Monday, 13th January. Join us if you can, we are travelling by train 2.15 New St. on 31st Jan returning next day 6.15 train.

**Swim Wales Open Meet Swansea , 29th Feb- 1st March,  good L/C event- inc 1500m

**Staffordshire Masters , Saturday 7th March, held in Stafford.

** British Masters, 24-26th April Sheffield L/C                          CANCELLED

** Midland Masters, 16/17th May                                              NEVER SCHEDULED

Details are on the notice board and on website

Pool Closures 2020 (proposed)

Mon 17th Feb - 21st Feb inclusive

Mon 6th April - Fri 17th April inclusive

Mon 26th May - Fri 29th May inclusive 

Christmas Shutdown 2019/2020

The School Pool will be closed as usual over the Christmas Holidays

Last session will be Thursday 19th December (the day of the Xmas Curry!)

The pool will re-open Week commencing Monday 6th January 2020

Masters Sessions start Wednesday/Thusday 8th & 9th January 2020 7:30PM

Merry Christmas & Happy New Year

Carlisle Aquatics Masters Meet 2020 -  31st January/ 1st February 2020

We will be taking a small squad to the Carlisle Aquatics Masters Meet 2020

A low key/pressure meet to start the new year if interested in going, details are on club notice board and on British swimming website - see Anne if need any further information.

Closing date Monday 13th January.

Travel by train or car

We stay at the Hallmark Hotel - there is a Travelodge but further to walk!


Last  updated 12/01/2022